PlanetHoster Auctions

The smart choice for buying domain names


Buy a domain name already registered

PlanetHoster offers you to buy back expired domain names because they have not been renewed by their former owners. Whether you are a company, an individual or an institution, take advantage of the age of these domain names and their natural referencing.

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Why PlanetHoster Auctions?

What is an expired domain name?

Expired domain names are domain names registered but not renewed by their owners. They are therefore available for a new registration and redemption."

Why buy a domain name that has already been registered?

Buying an expired domain name brings many advantages due to its history. You can thus benefit from its natural referencing already identified by search engines. You can also take advantage of its traffic, backlinks or even its ranking with Google.

How to buy an expired domain name?

To buy an expired domain name, simply choose the desired domain name from the list above. Then click on "pay" to make the payment of the domain name by bank transfer. (The bank transfer is the only payment method authorized for the purchase of this type of domain names)